Kelvin Holland

About Me

Content Creator & Digital Producer

I am a creative storyteller with years of professional experience in creating high-quality content in fast-paced digital media environments. Whether it is uncovering new, untold stories or retelling old stories from a unique perspective, I am passionate about rendering narratives, be it with writing, Photoshop, HTML, or video.

Personal Information

  • Name Kelvin Holland
  • Residence Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Email
  • Phone (+1) 513 892 9049
  • Freelance Available


Web Development & Design

Content Creation

Creative Thinking

Branding & Marketing



My Resume


  • Present 2021


    Cincinnati, OH - Remote

    - Conceptualize and create content for print and digital media.
    - Design and develop websites and digital marketing.

    Skills: Storytelling · Creative Problem Solving · Web Design · Web Development · Creative Writing

  • 2022 2016


    ClubZ! In-home & Online Tutoring
    Cincinnati, OH - Hybrid

    - Designed email marketing campaigns and monthly newsletter.
    - Designed and developed ACT  website with LMS.
    - Assessed high school students’ academic and college testing needs.
    - Created ACT/SAT prep curriculum for students, tutors, boot camps, and webinars.
    - Designed & taught ACT/SAT workshops & boot camps.

    Skills: WordPress Design · Site Management · Web Development · Email Marketing

  • 2016 2014


    Aftershock Publishing · Freelance
    Herndon, VA · Hybrid

    - Designed several financial investment websites for New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling authors.
    - Maintained and updated several legacy websites.

    Skills: WordPress Design · Site Management · Web Development

  • 2013 2009


    Weider History Group
    Leesburg, VA · On-site

    - Designed, maintained, and modified the corporate website
    - Designed and maintained 11 landing pages for 11 magazines.
    - Developed and managed the production of WHG’s first Kindle magazine.
    - Trained staff editors in the use of WordPress to post content.
    - Produced and edited YouTube videos for Civil War Times and Vietnam magazines.

    Skills: Handle Multiple Priorities · Video Production · Web Design · Digital Publishing · Web Development

  • 2009 2006


    Weider History Group
    Leesburg, VA · On-site

    - Copyedited, fact-checked, and proofread features and departments for Civil War Times magazine.
    - Managed Civil War Times Letters and Resources departments.
    - Wrote photo captions for features and departments.
    - Wrote reviews for museum exhibits, blogs, and websites.

    Skills: Handle Multiple Priorities · Reviews · Captions · Magazine Publishing

  • 2015 2008


    C2 Education - Part-time (weekends)
    Leesburg, VA & Ashburn, VA - On-site

    - Tutored high school students in SAT and ACT test prep (math and verbal).
    - Tutored high school students in math from Algebra I to AP Calculus.
    - Proofread/Edited students’ college application essays.

    Skills: Mathematics · Literature · Creative Problem Solving · Communication · Teaching


  • Earlham College

    Major: Computer Science, African American Studies
    Minor: Literature

Homepage (cover) art

The Kalachakra Sand Mandala

In July 2011, the Dali Lama visited downtown Washington, D.C., at the Verizon Center. At that time, I lived and worked just 30 minutes or so outside D.C. I had only become aware of the Holiness' visit through a friend who had told me. Though I hadn't planned to attend, as soon as I learned of it, I knew I had to go. I can't tell you exactly why—perhaps it was my lifelong fascination with Buddhism and Buddhist texts I acquired from my mom driving me to my favorite bookshop, the now-defunct New World Bookshop, in Clifton, Ohio, as a young adolescent. Or perhaps it was my preacher's kid blood mixed with the many viewings of Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns that demanded that I see for myself this Truth-slinging Holy Man who's come to town.

Whatever the reason was, I knew I had to abide by the call regardless of the inconvenience and use of PTO. The Dalai Lama and his entourage of ochre robe-clad monks performed a 2600-year-old ritual for world peace called the Kalachakra (The Wheel of Time), which included creating a giant sand mandala. First, they drew the lines and angles using rulers and protractors with the precision of draftsmen. Then they began the detailed and intricate process of filling it with granules of sand—red, green, gold, and blue. While this occurred, the Dali Lama and other monks chanted, prayed, and performed rituals. After a few days, the mandala was complete and magnificent—richly colored and textured. Once the monks had finished the Kalachakra ritual, they began to disperse the sand with strokes of their hands, destroying all the painstaking work. It was all I could do to stay in my seat and not try to stop them. So much for total detachment: I will require more lifetimes and PTO.

Content creation is like making sand mandalas—hours of detailed work and effort—only for it to become obsolete by the newest technology, media platform, or company buyout. Like life, the most profound satisfaction must come from the doing, not the deliverable—the journey, not the destination, in the sheer joy of creativity and creation in the good company of others.